W3C Verifiable Credentials
Everything you need to know about W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
About Verifiable Credentials
A Verifiable Credential (VC) is a tamper-proof digital credential, standardized by W3C, that can be cryptographically verified. It allows individuals to securely share trusted information about themselves with enhanced privacy features, such as selective disclosure and data minimization.
We built the Verifiable Credentials library, as part of our open-source identity stack. The VC lib enables:
Issuers to create and sign VCs
Holders to receive, store and present Verifiable Credentials
Verifiers to parse and verify VCs
W3C VCs explained
Watch this introductory video in which we explore what Verifiable Credentials are, what they enable and how to get started using them.
Start Receiving and Presenting (wallet)
Benefits of VCs
Tamper-Resistant: VCs are resilient to forgery and alteration, ensuring the trustworthiness of the data they present.
Easy-to-Verify: Verifiable Credentials are easy to verify due to their cryptographic underpinnings, which also ensure the authenticity of the presented digital assertions.
Privacy Preserving: Through selective disclosure, users can share only necessary information (e.g., age verification without showing full ID), enhancing privacy.
Compliance: Verifiable Credentials are standardised (W3C Data Model) boosting interoperability and compliance across platforms and systems.
Revocable: The issuer can revoke VCs at any time.
Portable: Holders can store VCs in their identity wallet and carry them anywhere.
Further readings
Learn more about VCs and our offerings through the links below:
→ Documentation for developers
→ White-Paper about decentralized identity
The main regulations covering Verifiable Credentials include standards set by the World Web Consortium (W3C), as well as eIDAS 2.0 allowing citizens to use digital identity solutions like Verifiable Credentials through identity wallets.
How it works.
Build end-to-end use cases or applications fast and with ease.
Store / Manage
Launch or embed ID wallets that enable users to manage digital credentials.
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Aligned with global standards (e.g. W3C, ISO, OIDF, IETF) and relevant regulations (e.g. eIDAS2, GDPR).
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