Update #14

Hey friends,

This month, we added callbacks in the verifier API, enabled the configuration of default keys and DIDs in new wallets, expanded the commands available via the CLI, and much more.

Let’s dive in.

Identity Lib (v0.3.0)

Below are all features available through v0.3.0 of the identity lib. Checkout the full change log here. Want to learn more about the identity lib in general? Check out our intro video.

Callback Support For Verifier API

When creating the OIDC presentation request, you can now receive verification results via callback by providing a URL to be called.

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Wallet Defaults | Wallet API

When creating a new account through the Wallet API, a key and associated DID are generated for the default wallet of this account. Using a configuration, it can now be specified which algorithm for key creation and which method for DID initialization will be used.


walt CLI

The walt.id CLI now supports more commands to create a did:key, sign a Verifiable Credential (JWT), and verify it using various policies.

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Configure Issuer metadata

The supported credentials in the credential issuer metadata exposed via the /.well-known/openid-credential-issuer endpoint can now be adjusted via a config file.

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Oracle KMS Integration | Wallet API & Issuer API

To ensure the secure management of keys, utilize the Oracle KMS for holders in the wallet-API and for the issuer to sign credentials in the issuer-API. This integration also works with the core crypto library.

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HashiCorp Vault Integration | Wallet API

To ensure the secure management of keys, utilize Hashicorp Vault for holders in the wallet-API, next to the already support for issuers to sign credentials in the issuer-API. This integration also works with the core crypto library.

Wallet API

Auth0 To Secure User Wallets | Wallet API

User accounts in the wallet-API and wanted-web-wallet can now be managed via auth0 by configuring it as an external OIDC provider.

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EBSI v3 Compliance for Issuers

You can now issue EBSI-compliant credentials using our issuer API. To conform with the timestamp format required by the EBSI standard, please use the EBSI-specified data functions listed here.

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Presentation Definition Parsing in the Wallet API

When using the /matchCredentialsForPresentationDefinition endpoint, the wallet API now understands and parses the full presentation definition and returns the matching credentials. Before this, only matches for the credential type parameter were processed.

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OIDC4VC Upgrades

We’ve upgraded the Openid4vc Lib, issuer, verifier, and Wallet API to now use the latest versions of the OID4VC spec (OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance - draft 13 OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - draft 20)

Checkout the lib

Breaking changes

LocalKey Becomes JWKKey

Kotlin/Java SDKs

  • The LocalKey, LocalKeyMetadata classes in our Kotlin/Java SDKs were renamed to JWKKey, JWKKeyMetadata

Issuer API

  • When creating a JWK key and related DID using the onboard endpoint. The key type specified in the body is no longer local but jwk

  • When providing a JWK key as issuance key to the sign/issue commands, the key type is no longer local but jwk

Wallet API

  • When creating a new key that should be stored in the database, the backend to specify is no longer local but jwk

A New Required Argument in the Issuance Request

Based on the latest OID4VC spec changes, the issuance request now requires the credentialConfigurationId argument. This newly introduced argument streamlines the credential request process by uniquely identifying pre-defined credential configurations in the issuer's metadata. This simplifies requests, ensuring clarity and consistency in communications between wallets and credential issuers.

If you want to learn how this new argument is defined and used in the issuer API, please go here.

All those changes are also reflected in the docs and swagger examples of the issuer and wallet API, respectively.

Community favourites

The eIDAS2 is here ebook

This document - co-authored by TrustScape - explains everything you need to know about eIDAS2 and its impact on individuals, governments and businesses across industries.

walt.id Demos

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Update #15


Update #13