

Community Stack


The easiest way for developers and organizations to get started and build on their own.

… or contact us for support.


Enterprise Stack


For organizations with special security, compliance, scalability and operational requirements.


Cloud Platform

Managed Service

SaaS-based identity and wallet infrastructure for organizations who prefer a managed service / APIs.

Join thousands of developers, governments, cities, public authorities, DAOs, startups and enterprises across industries.

You’re in good company.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, our core products are open source under the Apache 2 license. The Enterprise Stack and Cloud Platform include features and capabilities which are not open source (e.g. multi-tenancy, data persistence, audit logs, integrations).

  • Yes, offer support contracts for the Community Stack and the Enterprise Stack. Contact us to learn more.

  • You can build pilots with our open source solutions or contact us if you want support from our team.

  • The Enterprise Stack is more stable, robust, scalable and reliable. It also offers additional components/features. For example:

    • Multi-Tenancy to manage multiple projects, users and accounts within them.

    • Data persistence for DIDs, keys, sessions (OID4VC), logs, pre-defined issuance and verification requests.

    • Resource protection through authentication for offered APIs. 

    • Scalability based on multi-tenancy and multiple instances.

    • Pre-configured Issuance and verification requests to automate processes and user flows.

    • Audit & event logging (e.g. credential issuance or verification, active wallets, …) across Issuer, Wallet and Verifiers.

    • Integrations with third party services (that are not included in OSS) like ID verification, identity and access management, qualified trust services, KMS, data storage etc.

    • Admin UI that facilitates the use of the Enterprise Stack and offers analytics

    While the Community Stack can support production-grade solutions, the Enterprise Stack offers a number of advantages like richer features and integrations, faster time to market, less overhead (dev, maintenance), more reliability and stability, higher scalability, compliance with standards and regulations.

  • Our identity and wallet infrastructure is available for different deployment options:
    1. Enterprise (Self-Managed): Customers can deploy, manage and run our solutions on-prem or in their cloud environments.
    2. Cloud Platform (SaaS): Customers can rely on our managed services and APIs - deployed and run by

  • If you have any other questions, you can contact us here.