The Community Stack
Powerful open source infrastructure for digital identity and identity wallets.
Used by +13.000 developers and organisations.
We make digital identity simple.
Build end-to-end use cases or applications fast and with ease.
Issue / Mint
Issue credentials or mint tokens for any use case.
Store / Manage
Build ID wallets or embed them in your applications.
Verify credentials or tokens from any wallet.
Everything you need.
A holistic open source stack that covers all your needs.
Open Source
The Community Stack is available under the Apache 2 license.
Everything you need to build apps and end-to-end use cases.
Supports all major digital identity technologies and protocols.
Compliance & Interop
Built on standards & aligned with ID regulations (e.g. eIDAS2).
Built for developers.
Our stack abstracts technical complexity and does the heavy-lifting.
Move fast
Build your first app or use case today. It’s free.
Dev Experience
The easiest way to build & holistic documentation.
Modular stack, easily customized for any use case.
Plug-in any key, data and cloud infrastructure.
One abstraction layer for all technologies.
Future-proof abstraction of all technologies and ecosystems you need.
Data exchange based on standards (e.g. OID4VC, SIOP, HAIP).
Key management, data storage, cloud services, IAM, IDV, QTSPs, …
Different blockchains, PKIs and related trust frameworks.
Credentials / mDL
Verifiable Credentials (W3C), Mobile Driving License / mdocs (ISO).
Crypto & Keys
Key management, multiple key types and signature suits.
Selective Disclosure
Mono-claim credentials, SD-JWTs and zero-knowledge proofs.
Non-Fungible and Soulbound Tokens on different blockchains.
Dive deeper with our documentation.
The Community Stack
Introducing our open source stack and how it works.
One solution for every industry.
Digital identity and wallet solution trusted by trailblazers across verticals.
Provide citizens with ID wallets and issue digital, reusable & privacy-preserving ID credentials.
Build decentralized ID and wallet solutions for consumers, businesses or governments.
Launch ID wallets, extend your apps with ID capabilities or seamlessly onboard & verify users.
Launch new products enabled by decentralized ID like wallets or wallet-based user verification.
Onboard, verify & check-out users with a seamless, 1-click process. Launch new ID-enabled products.
Build use cases in any other sector or vertical. Contact us to learn more.
Trusted by +14.000 developers, governments and businesses across industries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, our core products are open source under the Apache 2 license. The Enterprise Stack and Cloud Platform include features and capabilities which are not open source (e.g. multi-tenancy, data persistence, audit logs, integrations).
Yes, offer support contracts for the Community Stack and the Enterprise Stack. Contact us to learn more.
You can build pilots with our open source solutions or contact us if you want support from our team.
The Enterprise Stack is more stable, robust, scalable, reliable and offers additional capabilities.
Multi-Tenancy to manage multiple projects, users and accounts within them.
Data persistence for DIDs, keys, sessions (OID4VC), logs, pre-defined issuance and verification requests.
Resource protection through authentication for offered APIs.
Scalability based on multi-tenancy and multiple instances.
Pre-configured Issuance and verification requests to automate processes and user flows.
Audit & event logging (e.g. credential issuance or verification, active wallets, …) across Issuer, Wallet and Verifiers.
Integrations with third party services (that are not included in OSS) like ID verification, identity and access management, qualified trust services, KMS, data storage etc.
Admin UI that facilitates the use of the Enterprise Stack and offers analytics
The Community Stack can support production-grade solutions, yet the Enterprise Stack offers advantages like richer features and integrations, faster time to market, less overhead (dev, maintenance), more reliability and stability, higher scalability, compliance with standards and regulations.
You can learn more here.
Our identity and wallet infrastructure is available for different deployment options:
1. Enterprise (Self-Managed): Customers can deploy, manage and run our solutions on-prem or in their cloud environments.
2. Cloud Platform (SaaS): Customers can rely on our managed services and APIs - deployed and run by -
If you have any other questions, you can contact us here.