Update #5

Hey friends,

At walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Product Updates

The SSI-Kit enables developers to issue, hold and verify identity credentials (based on Self-Sovereign Identity)


  • Credential revocation (StatusList2021) - Issue, manage and verify Verifiable Credentials using the revocation option described in the StatusList2021 specification - Docs

  • Impl. EbsiTrustedSchemaRegistryPolicy - checks if the credential schema of the provided credential is present in the EBSI schema registry (#282)

Fixes / Refactors

  • Don’t apply trusted issuer did policy on VPs (#291)

  • EBSI trusted issuer Policy - updated to check for ebsi type did (#290)

  • Update verification policy result serialization (#289)

  • Implement operation-result-pattern for verification-policy-result (#272)

  • VCTemplateService now respects configured resource path in service-matrix.properties (#275)

  • Verification Policy (#282)

  • Http clients now close on exit (#281)

Learn more about the SSI-Kit

White-label identity (SSI) and token (N/FT) web wallet

  • Polkadot - View your Near NFTs - Docs

Learn more about the Web-Wallet

An OIDC-compliant identity provider, enabling login with SSI & NFTs in web2 applications.

  • Identity provision with NFTs on Polkadot - Learn how to launch an OIDC-compliant identity provider with Polkadot support, enabling users to onboard web2 apps with their Polkadot wallet. Docs | Tutorial

Learn more about the IDP-Kit

Enables developers to mint, hold, distribute and verify tokenized assets (incl. NFTs and SBTs) on different blockchains


  • Polkadot - Verify NFTs on Polkadot (unique, astar, moonbeam) - Docs

  • Ethereum | Sepolia test-net support (#98)

Fixes / Refactors

  • Removal of not needed NFTMetadata in NearNFTService (#98)

  • Update of alchemy conf (#96)

Learn more about the NFT-Kit


Building on cheqd

Join us for “Building on cheqd” on May 17 and learn how to build SSI solutions on the cheqd ecosystem using walt.id.


Community Favourites

Near tutorial

Minting NFTs on Near - Learn how to use the NFT-Kit to mint and verify your first NFT


A special thanks go to our contributors of the month

  • Thomas Diesler - contributed to the SSI-Kit

  • Lan-Phan - contributed to the NFT-Kit


Feature List

An easy overview of all the features and benefits of each of our products | Overview

Share an idea, ask a question, or chat?


Update #6


Update #4