Feature Friday n°11: Mobile Driver’s License (mDL - ISO 18013-5)


Hey friends,

Welcome to Feature Friday! Each week, this series highlights new identity features available with the walt.id tooling. Check out last week's lesson on Login with NFTs in web2. For feedback or episode suggestions, connect with us on Discord!

Today we explore the Mobile Driver’s License (ISO 18013-5, mDL) a new credential type based on the mdoc credential format.

What is mDL ?

mDL (Mobile Driver’s License), standardised by the ISO/IEC 18013-5 specification, is a digital version of a regular Driver’s License defined in the mdoc credential format.

What does mDL enable ?

  • Easy & Efficient Verification - mDL a digital and portable credential makes it easy for users to prove claims about themselves, both online and offline. The binary format of mdocs, the credential format behind mDL, makes transactions faster while saving storage space on the users’ device.

  • Interoperability through standardisation - The standardisation, through ISO 18013-5 mDL, ensures interoperability across various platforms and systems.

  • User Empowerment with Selective Disclosure - Users have the power to choose what data they want to share with a verifier, giving the user full control over sensitive information.

mDL features

  • With our open source tools, you can:

    • Create, Sign - mDLs or other mdoc credentials with issuer-signed items and COSE_sign1 issuer authentication (mobile security object, MSO)

    • Present - mDL or other mdoc credentials with selective disclosure of issuer-signed items and mdoc device authentication

    • Verify - mDL or other mdoc credentials with verification of MSO-validity, doc type, certificate chains, item temper checks and device signatures.

    … but wait there’s more:

    • Works Across Programming Languages: You can create, present and verify mDLs easily with walt.id’s mdoc lib, offering support for Kotlin, Java and JavaScript.

    • Flexible, Extensible and Open-Source: Using our tools you can leverage our already implemented mdoc credential types like eID next to mDL, but you can also extend our modular system bringing support for your own types.


Watch our short demo, showcasing how you can issue and verify a mDL using the walt.id mdoc lib.


Get Started

  • GitHub - Issue your first mDL using our mdoc lib.

Now, here's your dose of tech humour for the day:

Why was the JavaScript function sad?
Because it had no closure.

Catch you next Friday! Until then, feel free to join us on discord!


Tamino from walt.id


Feature Friday n°12: SoulBound Tokens (SBTs)


Feature Friday n°10: Login with NFTs in web2