Update #1

Hey friends,

at walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Product Updates

The SSI-Kit enables developers to issue, hold and verify identity credentials (based on Self-Sovereign Identity)

  • Added support to onboard and use the Gaia-x ecosystem - (demo)

  • Use OPA (Open Policy Agent) to dynamically validate Gaia-X SDs - (demo)

  • Added secp256r1 key type

  • did:key method updated to support key types: secp256k1, secp256r1

  • Added did:jwt method

  • Added JsonWebSignature2020 as Id signature type

  • Added more examples in the REST-API Documentation

  • Now compliant with OIDC4VCI - supporting the authorized and pre-authorized code flow

Learn more about the SSI-Kit

The NFT-Kit enables developers to mint, hold, distribute and verify tokenized assets (incl. NFTs)

  • Added NFT metadata verification using OPA (Open-Policy-Agent) - (docs)

Learn more about the NFT-Kit

The Web-Wallet is White-label identity (SSI) and token (N/FT) web wallet

  • NFTs can now be displayed from the Ethereum, Polygon or Mumbai network - (wallet)

  • Support for onboarding and participation in the Gaia-x trust framework - (demo)

  • Now compliant with OIDC4VCI - supporting the authorized and pre-authorized code flow

Learn more about the Wallet-Kit

The IDP-Kit is an OIDC-compliant identity provider, enabling login with SSI & NFTs in web2 applications

  • Added support for VCs from Gaia-X - (demo)

  • Now compliant with OIDC4VCI - supporting the authorized and pre-authorized code flow

Learn more about the IDP-Kit


Login with IOTA

A past live event together with IOTA showing how to build a unified and decentralized login solution for web2 and web3 using identity data from IOTA. We covered intros of IOTA and walt.id, demos and a Q&A Session - (event recording)

ETH Lisbon

ETH Lisbon Hackathon

The walt.id team won a bounty from WalletConnect at the hackathon by extending the WalletConnect V2 protocol stack with SSI (exchange of W3C Verifiable Credentials) - (demo)

Community Contributions

SSI-Kit JavaScript SDK

Matteo Casonato from the walt.id community did a remarkable job at making the functionalities of the SSI Kit available for TS/JS - (code)


Verifiable Credential Demo by EBSI

Watch how easy it will be in real life for an EU Student to apply for a Bachelor/Master or PhD degree in a foreign university using the walt.id wallet - (demo)

Share an idea, ask a question, or chat?


Update #2