Update #2

Hey friends,

at walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Product Updates

The SSI-Kit enables developers to issue, hold and verify identity credentials (based on Self-Sovereign Identity)

  • Added support for did:iota - (docs)

  • Added support for did:jwk

  • Implemented Open-Badge v3 credential in conformance to the latest specs - (specs)


  • did:key ECDSA keys broken - (#179)

  • JWK key import depending on optional alg field - (#190)

  • Added support for ARM64 in the Docker container (if libsodium wasn't installed) to fix compilation error

Learn more about the SSI-Kit

The NFT-Kit enables developers to mint, hold, distribute and verify tokenized assets (incl. NFTs)

  • Now supporting the Tezos blockchain. Mint and verify NFTs - (docs coming soon)

Learn more about the NFT-Kit

The Web-Wallet is White-label identity (SSI) and token (N/FT) web wallet

  • Added support to create a did:iota | onboarding - (demo)

  • View your Tezos NFTs from main and testnet - (docs coming soon)

Learn more about the Wallet-Kit

The IDP-Kit is an OIDC-compliant identity provider, enabling login with SSI & NFTs in web2 applications

  • Added support to log in with credentials using did:iota - (docs)

  • Added support to log in with NFTs from Tezos - (docs coming soon)

Learn more about the IDP-Kit


Ensuring Interoperability with other SSI providers

Walt.id took part in the Interoperability Plugfest 2 by JFF (Jobs for the Future) 2022 as credential issuer provider, making issuance of credentials possible in conformance to the specs and protocols defined in NGI Atlantic project Next Generation SSI Standards and to test cross compatibility with participating wallet providers. Endpoint for interop testing.


EBSI compliant wallet

We are excited to share that our Wallet solution has been approved by European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) with the latest compliance specifications. Our EBSI conformant wallet enables you to store, verify and share information across Europe.

This reflects our commitment to stay on top of new technologies, regulations and compliance standards and our constant efforts to update our products and open-source kits.

Discover more here

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Update #3


Update #1