Update #11

Hey friends,

At walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Say hello to The Community Stack

In December, we open-sourced the community stack: A set of purpose-driven libraries, powerful APIs, and easy-to-use white-label apps all combined in our new walled-identity repo. If you enjoy the new repo, please leave a star

Please note that the identity-repo is currently in a pre-release state. Not all features of the old stack are yet available. Reaching full feature parity is planned for the upcoming months, with the first official version being planned for the beginning of February.

Explore the identity repo below or watch our intro video here.

The identity repo

Multi-Platform Libraries

Available for Kotlin/Java and JavaScript environments.

  • Crypto - create and use keys based on different algorithms.

  • DID - create, register, and resolve DIDs on different ecosystems.

  • Verifiable Credentials - issue and verify W3C credentials as JWTs and SD-JWTs.

  • mdoc Credentials - issue and verify mdoc credentials (mDL ISO/IEC 18013-5).

  • OpenID4VC - implementation of the OID4VCI and OIDC4VP protocols.

  • SD-JWT - create and verify Selective Disclosure JWTs.


A set of APIs to build issuer, verifier, and wallet capabilities into any app.

  • Issuer API (Docs | GitHub) - enable apps to issue credentials (W3C JWTs and SD-JWTs) via OID4VC.

  • Verifier API (Docs | GitHub) - enable apps to verify credentials (W3C JWTs and SD-JWTs) via OID4VP/SIOPv2.

  • Wallet API (Docs | GitHub) - extend apps with wallet capabilities to collect, store, manage and share identity credentials and tokens.


A set of white-label apps to get started in no time.

  • Web-Wallet - A custodial web-wallet (PWA) solution for credentials and tokens.

  • Portal - An issuer and verifier portal for credentials, which are managed here.

Deep Dive

Learn hands-on about our new APIs with the videos below.


To make the transition from the old to the new stack easier, we’ve prepared a transition guide for the SSI-Kit and Wallet-Kit.

2023 In Review

It’s been more than five years since we started to work on decentralized identity and two years since we launched walt.id.

Looking back, this past year (2023) has been truly remarkable, which is why we decided to share our thoughts about the state of digital identity together with some insights drawn from our experience of building one of the leading open-source companies in the space.

Check out the article here.

New Feature List & Roadmap

We’ve expanded our feature list to a roadmap.

Check out the updated version here.

Share an idea, ask a question, or chat?


Update #12


Update #10