Update #12

Hey friends,

In the past month, we made many updates and improvements in the identity library based on feedback and our goal to reach full feature parity with the old stack.

We expanded our documentation, added support for Microsoft Entra Verified ID credential issuance and verification, and built an extension that lets you use an OIDC Provider (e.g., Keycloak) to authenticate user accounts in our wallet service. Below, you find a full list of all the features that are now available and links to the respective documentation to get started.

Let’s dive in.

Identity Lib (v0.1.0)

Below are all features available through v0.1.0 of the identity lib. Want to learn more about the identity lib in general? Check out our intro video.

Create and Manage Cryptographic Keys

Using the walt.id crypto lib (Kotlin/Java) or the Wallet API, cryptographic keys (ed15519, secp256k1, secp256r1, rsa) can be created, stored, and used for sign and verification operations. Exports in PEM or JWK formats are also supported.

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Create and Resolve Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)

Using the walt.id DID Lib (Kotlin/Java) or the Wallet API, decentralised identifiers (DIDs) using various methods (did:key, did:jwk, did:web, did:ebsi, did:iota, did:cheqd) can be created, anchored and resolved. The DID Lib/API can also utilise a Uni Registrar/Resolver instance to enable even more did:methods.

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Create and Sign W3C Credentials as JWTs/SD-JWTs

Using the walt.id verifiable credentials lib or the Issuer API, verifiable credentials (W3C) can be constructed easily via the CredentialBuilder in Kotlin/Java or via a dynamic API call. Signatures can be created using various key pairs (Create And Manage Cryptographic Keys) and DIDs (Create and Resolve DIDs). Data functions can be utilized for dynamic data insertion to ensure that issued credentials always contain the most current and accurate information.

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Issue Singed W3C Credentials as JWTs/SD-JWTs via OID4VC

Using the walt.id Openid4vc Lib or the Issuer API, verifiable credentials (W3C) can be issued via the OID4VC protocol to any compliant wallet (e.g., walt.id web wallet).

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Verify W3C Credentials signed as JWTs/SD-JWTs

Using the walt.id verifiable credentials lib (Kotlin/Java) or the Verifier API, verifiable credentials (W3C), which were signed as JWTs/SD-JWTs, can be verified using various policies. (e.g., Signature, Expired, Schema, and many more).

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Request and Verify W3C JWT/SD-JWT Credentials via OID4VP

Using the walt.id verifiable credentials lib, the openid4vc lib, and the verifier API, verifiable credentials (W3C) can be requested via OID4VP and verified using various policies. (e.g., Signature, Expired, Schema, and many more).

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Create and Manage Identity Wallets For Users

Create and manage identity wallets for users via the walt.id wallet API. Users can create and manage different keys and DIDs and receive and present Verifiable Credentials (W3C - JWT, SD-JWT, and Microsoft Entra/Verified ID credentials) via OID4VC and OID4VP. Optionally, by using the walt.id web-wallet (white-label), a wallet frontend can also be offered with its own branding.

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Microsoft Entra / Verified ID Integration

Issue and verify credentials via Microsoft Entra by using the walt.id issuer and verifier interfaces. Extent Microsoft Entra’s verification capabilities via walt.id verification policies. Receive Microsoft Entra credentials into the Microsoft Authenticator.

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Updated Port Ranges For API Services And Frontends

We’ve updated the port ranges on which the issuer, verifier, and wallet-API, as well as the related frontend projects, are run in the docker-compose and the related docker images.

  • Find updated ports here.

Use Any OIDC Provider To Manage Wallet User Accounts

User accounts in the wallet-api and waltid-web-wallet can now be managed via any external OIDC provider, e.g. Keycloak, next to our already supported authentication mechanisms email/password and web3 accounts.

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Compliance Service Project

The compliance service is a web3 native identity verification that uses reusable KYC to onboard users to any dApp or app — seamless, efficient, and fully compliant with regulatory standards. This project came together with the creation of a consortium which includes IOTA , IDnow, bloom wallet and SPYCE.5.

Community Favourites

The future of identity series

  • Episode 1 - delves into blockchain's role in the transforming landscape of identity in the digital age, the ecosystem of decentralized identities, and potential opportunities.

  • Episode 2 - explore singular and plural identity ecosystems, government roles in Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), accessibility, trust, transparency, standards, and interoperability.

  • Episode 3 - focusing on SSI enablers, digital wallet interoperability, technologies missing pieces today, and common schemas.

  • Episode 4 - exploring on-chain identity, the future of reusable identity, Selective Disclosure & Zero Knowledge Proof, and more.

walt.id API Demos


Feature List & Roadmap

Overview - product features today and upcoming

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PS: If you enjoy working with our tools, make sure to leave us a ⭐ on GitHub

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Update #13


Update #11