Update #3

Hey friends,

at walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Product Updates

The SSI-Kit enables developers to issue, hold and verify identity credentials (based on Self-Sovereign Identity)

  • Generic Verifiable Credential (VC) templates: Define your own use-case specific Verifiable Credential type with custom fields. Issue VCs based on it n times, replacing values where needed and otherwise leaving the defaults defined in the template. | Docs + Tutorial

  • Implementation documentation for the OIDC4VP profile for Login-with-IOTA | Docs

  • EBSI v2 DID method support | Doc

Learn more about the SSI-Kit

Supercharge your app with SSI, NFTs or fungible tokens

  • How to become an EBSI conformant wallet | Guide

  • Multi tenancy support: Run one instance of the wallet-kit serving multiple customers, known as tenants, with each tenant having their own config + state | Docs

  • Manage and use generic Verifiable Credential templates, which are use-case specific Verifiable Credential types with custom fields. Issue VCs based on then n times, replacing values where needed and otherwise leaving the defaults defined in the template | Docs

  • Intersecting the Verifiable Credential verification flow via a webhook: This allows a developer to change how the system decides if a shared credential is valid by adding their own custom logic, overriding the results of the regular verification process. | Docs

  • EBSI v2 DID method support | Doc

Learn more about the Wallet-Kit

The Web-Wallet is White-label identity (SSI) and token (N/FT) web wallet

  • Delete user account and all associated data with one click, this can be of great help when testing solutions using the wallet | Demo

Learn more about the Web-Wallet

The IDP-Kit is an OIDC-compliant identity provider, enabling login with SSI & NFTs in web2 applications

  • EBSI v2 DID method support | Doc

Learn more about the IDP-Kit


Building on EBSI

A past live event showing how to build SSI solutions on the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) with ease using walt.id, no matter the role - Issuer, Holder or Verifier.

Video Recording

Walt.id joined Ocean Builders

Ocean Protocol’s live event, featuring walt.id and others, on building solutions on their platform

Video Recording

Community Favourites

Login With IOTA Demo

Authenticate yourself against an app with a Verifiable Credential based on a did:iota | Demo

Mint an NFT with Walt.id and Filebase

Learn how to mint your first NFT with our open-source NFT Kit and Filebase's decentralized storage platform | Tutorial

Walt.id added to Alchemy Dapp Store

Find us under the Identity and Decentralized Identity Tools category | Page


Feature List

An easy overview of all the features and benefits of each of our products | Overview

Share an idea, ask a question, or chat?


Update #4


Update #2