Feature Friday n°8: NFT verification


Hey friends,

Welcome to Feature Friday! Each week, this series highlights new identity features available with the walt.id tooling. Check out last week's lesson on Login with SSI in web2! For feedback or episode suggestions, connect with us on Discord!

Today, we explore walt.id’s token verification tools, unlocking NFT utility. With our solution, you will be able to verify who owns an asset, if the asset is part of a specified collection as well as properties about the asset, such as whether the owner has a certain status (e.g. frequent flyer) or if a property indicates that the NFT is still a valid voucher.

What NFT Verification Involves

Fetching the token from the requested Ecosystem (e.g. Ethereum), parsing the metadata of the NFT, and validating it against the requested value matches from the verifier.

What NFT Verification Enables

As NFTs enable us to represent ownership digitally, it gives us the opportunity to create utility based on this concept, like:

  • Access to a service - where the owner can visit a protected area on a website, open a hotel door lock, gain entry to an event, or board an airline flight.

  • Unlocking of special benefits - where the owner receives a percentage of each order they place in a store, or a percentage of the revenue generated by a tokenised asset.

  • Automated Processes - where companies can quickly and accurately verify the ownership of assets needed to onboard a new customer.

NFT Verification Features

With our open source tools, you can:

  1. Verify NFT Ownership - check if an address holds a token in a specified collection

  2. Verify NFT Metadata - validate NFT metadata via easy to use parameters or custom verification policies using Open-Policy Agent and the REGO language

  3. Enable Login with NFTs in web2 - connect your Identity and Access Management Tool (e.g. Keycloak, Auth0) with our decentralised identity provider (IDP-Kit) to enable Login with NFTs in web2.

… but wait there’s more:

  • Works Across Programming Languages: You can verify NFTs easily with NFT-Kit, offering a REST service and a Java and Kotlin library.

  • Works Across Ecosystems: Verify NFTs on Ethereum, Polygon, Near, Polkadot, Flow and many more using the same interface.

  • Flexible, Extensible and Open-Source: Using our tools you can leverage the wide range of already supported ecosystems and features or extend our modular system by bringing support for your ecosystem or custom feature.


Watch our short demo, showcasing how you can verify NFTs via the walt.id NFT-Kit.


Get Started

Join us for the upcoming Feature Friday to learn about Login with NFTs in web2

Now, here's your dose of tech humour for the day:

What is a coder's favorite type of coffee?

Catch you next Friday! Until then, feel free to join us on discord!


Tamino from walt.id


Feature Friday n°9: Wallet 2


Feature Friday n°7: Login with SSI in web2