Feature Friday n°9: Wallet 2


Hey friends,

Welcome to Feature Friday! Each week, this series highlights new identity features available with the walt.id tooling. Check out last week's lesson on NFT Verification! For feedback or episode suggestions, connect with us on Discord!

Today, we explore our new custodian wallet white-label solution. The second version of our web wallet app which you can use to enable users to receive, share and store Verifiable Credentials, manage DIDs and their related keys and view tokens from different blockchain ecosystems. All in one place.

Why we build the web-wallet and what it enables you to do?

The wallet, an essential piece in any digital identity solution, can be time-consuming to build from scratch whilst not directly contributing to the core business value. Which is why we’ve developed the web-wallet, helping you launch and thereby validate your identity use-case faster, leveraging all identity features our stack has to offer. Once you're ready to fully customize the experience, our solution provides flexibility—you can either extend our app directly or use it as a reference for your own implementation.

Web-Wallet Features


  1. Key and DID creation and management - Utilising the features provided by the SSI-Kit, it enables users to create, import, export and store keys in different formats (e.g. PEM) and based on different algorithms (e.g. Ed25519). Creating and managing DID on an ever-growing list of ecosystems. A full list, can be found here.

  2. Verifiable Credential receiving and sharing - Based on the functionality provided by the SSI-Kit as well as the Wallet-Kit, the wallet is able to receive VCs in multiple formats (e.g. W3C) and with different proof types (e.g. JWT) via OIDC4VC and present VCs via OIDC4VP standards. Not only in synchronous but also asynchronous manner, meaning users can receive or present a VC just by approving a message in their browser next to the more traditional way of visiting an issuer or verifier portal and their clicking a link or scanning a QR code to receive or present a VC. A full list of supported VC formats and proof types can be found here.


  1. Web3 Asset Portfolio - Using the NFT-Kit, the wallet is able to display NFTs from different ecosystems (like Ethereum, Polygon, Near and more). A full list of supported blockchains can be found here.

…but wait there is more

Make it your own: Change style and looks of the app and extend features if needed based on our Apache 2 licence, to fit your needs.


Watch our short demo, showcasing the main features of our web-wallet solution.


Get Started

Join us for the upcoming Feature Friday to learn about mDL.

Now, here's your dose of tech humour for the day:

What is a programmer's favourite hangout place? The foo bar.

Catch you next Friday! Until then, feel free to join us on discord!


Tamino from walt.id


Feature Friday n°10: Login with NFTs in web2


Feature Friday n°8: NFT verification