Feature Friday n°3: Status of Verifiable Credentials


Hey friends,

Welcome to Feature Friday! Each week, this series highlights new identity features available with the walt.id tooling. Check out last week's lesson on Verifiable Credentials ! For feedback or episode suggestions, connect with us on Discord !

Today, we explore the “Status” property of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), bolstering digital trust and agility by enabling real-time validation and rapid response to changes in the state of an issued VC.

What is Status Property ?

  1. A Validity Checkpoint: Indicating the current state of a credential, furthering trust and minimising fraudulent transactions.

  2. Open To Variations: The status property can have different types from revoked to suspended and more, each of which requires different specifications to be implemented.

What does Credential Revocation enable ?

Dynamic Trust: Strengthening trust in interactions by enabling real-time updates and validation of a credential status, ensuring that only currently valid and authentic credentials are used in transactions.

Credential Revocation Features

With our open source tools, you can:

  1. Issue credentials with a status following our implemented standards*

  2. Update a credential's status according to our implemented standards*

  3. Validate a credential's status according to our implemented standards*

*Implemented standards: StatusList2021Entry, SimpleCredentialStatus2022. New ones added as needed.

… but wait there’s more:

  • Works Across Programming Languages: You can create, verify and distribute verifiable credentials easily with walt.id’ SSI-Kit, offering a CLI tool, a REST service and a Java and Kotlin library.

  • Works Across Ecosystems: Our supported DID methods range from key, web, ebsi, iota, jwk, cheqd and velocity with new ones added continuously.

  • Flexible, Extensible and Open-Source: Using our tools you can leverage the wide range of already supported ecosystems and credential formats or extend our modular system bringing support for your own did:method or credential format.


Watch our short demo, showcasing how you can issue, update and validate Credentials with the “status” property using the walt.id SSI-Kit


Get Started

Please note, that the demo shown used the SSI-Kit which is no longer maintained by walt.id. However, all the features are now available via the community stack.
You can get started with the new libs and APIs here.

Join us for the upcoming Feature Friday to learn about Selective Disclosure with Verifiable Credentials.

Now, here's your dose of tech humour for the day:

Why did the programmer go broke?

Because he used up all his cache!

See you next Friday, and in the meantime, let’s connect on discord!


Tamino from walt.id


Feature Friday n°4: Selective Disclosure


Feature Friday n°2: Verifiable Credentials (VCs)