Update #7

Hey friends,

At walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Walt.id goes multi-platform

We're excited to announce a significant update to our solutions! Our new SD-JWT multi-platform library now allowing you to create and manage JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) with Selective Disclosure support natively in Kotlin, Java, and JavaScript. A first step towards offering our whole feature set across multiple languages. Checkout our announcement post to learn more, or get started with our docs.

Product Updates

The SSI-Kit enables developers to issue, hold and verify identity credentials (based on Self-Sovereign Identity)


  • Selective Disclosure for VCs - Added SD-JWT credential proof type supporting selective disclosures - Video | Docs

  • Support did:key with JWK_JCS-pub - required for EBSI Natural Person DIDs - Docs | EBSI Spec

Fixes / Refactors

  • did:web-based alias to load keys (#313)

  • updated did-key-create-options parameter name (#324)

  • fix did create command output (commit)

  • vc-revocation cli - hint on connect-exception (commit)

  • RSA implementation for JWT sign and verify (commit)


  • added k6 performance testing for VC issuance using REST API (commit)

Learn more about the SSI-Kit

Supercharge your app with SSI, NFTs or fungible tokens.


  • Flow NFT display support - Let users view their NFTs on flow by connecting their wallet. Docs

Fixes / Refactors

  • added user info near account (#165)

  • updated did-key-creation-request parameter name (#163)

  • swagger-docs unreachable (#161)

  • create-did did:key jwk_jcs-pub (#159)

  • Don't throw null pointer exception when no error message is provided (commit)

Learn more about the Web-Wallet

An OIDC-compliant identity provider, enabling login with SSI & NFTs in web2 applications.


  • Identity provision with NFTs on Flow - Learn how to launch an OIDC-compliant identity provider with Flow support, enabling users to onboard web2 apps with their Flow wallet. Docs | Tutorial

Learn more about the IDP-Kit

Enables developers to mint, hold, distribute and verify tokenized assets (incl. NFTs and SBTs) on different blockchains

Fixes / Refactors

  • FlowNFTMetadata Class (commit)

Learn more about the NFT-Kit

SD-JWT Info Website

We’ve created a website that helps you decode and verify SD-JWTs.

Try it out


Building on Polkadot

Learn how to build SSI solutions on the Polkadot ecosystem using walt.id tools.

Watch Event Recording

Community Favourites

Intro to walt.id video: learn what you can do with our stack in 5 minutes. Video

Demystifying DID Web: this video was created to demystify DID web and serve as an introduction and “how-to” guide for developers, businesses and decentralized identity curious. Video

Winning BLOCKCHANCE Award: we're delighted to share our recent win at the Blockchance Europe conference. Recognized for our innovation in the field of Decentralized Identity and GovTech, we were honoured with one of the Blockchance Awards. Post


Feature Friday - Your weekly dose of identity with walt.id

Explore walt.id’s identity features with the feature Friday series, past episodes below:

  • Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - explore decentralised identifiers (DIDs), self-sovereign, globally unique digital identifiers for individuals, companies, and devices.

  • Verifiable Credentials (VCs) - explore Verifiable Credentials, a digital version of physical credentials. Protected from tampering and secured by cryptography, they are easy to verify and almost impossible to fake.

  • Status of Verifiable Credentials - explore the “Status” property of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), bolstering digital trust and agility by enabling real-time validation and rapid response to changes in the state of an issued VC.

  • Selective Disclosure - explore Selective Disclosure, a privacy-enhancing feature for Verifiable Credentials, that gives individuals granular control on what information they share in a transaction, thereby enhancing trust and reducing identity fraud risks.

  • Credential Templates - explore credential templates, which are customizable, reusable data structures that accelerate and streamline verifiable credential issuance.

  • Verification Policies - explore verification policies, which are customizable, adaptable rulesets that simplify the process of verifying credentials in both common and complex use cases.

Feature List

An easy overview of all the features and benefits of each of our products | Overview

Share an idea, ask a question, or chat?


Update #8


Update #6