Update #8

Hey friends,

At walt.id we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure tooling for SSI, NFTs, wallets and zero-trust data storage. Latest product and community updates are collected in this post. Thanks to all members for sharing their feedback, contributing and being a part!

Hello wallet 2

We’re excited to announce our new custodian web wallet white-label solution, the second version of our web-wallet, which you can use to enable users to receive, share and store Verifiable Credentials, manage DIDs and their related keys and view tokens from different blockchain ecosystems. All in one place.

Get started here.

Algorand Support

A new ecosystem joins. You can now start minting NFTs based on the ARC3 standard and verify NFT ownership on the Algorand main and test net.

Get started here.

Upcoming Events

Building on Near: Learn more about building NFT identity solutions and unlocking web2 capabilities using walt.id tools on Near.

Register for the event

Community Favourites

Advanced Credential Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will expand on the ”My first VC tutorial” by now onboarding Emma to a virtual company. With it, you will learn about new concepts such as Custom Credential Templates, The Status Property in Credentials and Dynamic Verification Policies.


Feature Friday

Feature Friday - Your weekly dose of identity with walt.id

Explore walt.id’s identity features with the feature Friday series, past episodes below:

  • Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - explore decentralised identifiers (DIDs), self-sovereign, globally unique digital identifiers for individuals, companies, and devices.

  • Verifiable Credentials (VCs) - explore Verifiable Credentials, a digital version of physical credentials. Protected from tampering and secured by cryptography, they are easy to verify and almost impossible to fake.

  • Status of Verifiable Credentials - explore the “Status” property of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), bolstering digital trust and agility by enabling real-time validation and rapid response to changes in the state of an issued VC.

  • Selective Disclosure - explore Selective Disclosure, a privacy-enhancing feature for Verifiable Credentials, that gives individuals granular control on what information they share in a transaction, thereby enhancing trust and reducing identity fraud risks.

  • Credential Templates - explore credential templates, which are customizable, reusable data structures that accelerate and streamline verifiable credential issuance.

  • Verification Policies - explore verification policies, which are customizable, adaptable rulesets that simplify the process of verifying credentials in both common and complex use cases.

  • Login with SSI in web2 - A method of authentication where users become their own identity provider, giving them complete control over their data.

  • NFT Verification - Unlock NFT utility, by verifying who owns and asset, if the asset has specific properties and much more.

Feature List

An easy overview of all the features and benefits of each of our products | Overview

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Update #9


Update #7